What is Hidradenitis Suppurativa?


Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Is a chronic skin condition featuring lumps in places such as the armpits or groin. These glands become blocked and cause an exaggerated inflammatory response. The skin lesions develop as a result of inflammation and infection of sweat glands. The resulting inflamed cysts are painful and often recur.

What causes HS

The cause of Hidradenitis Suppurativa is unknown. It is thought that there is an exaggerated inflammatory response to the presence of bacteria trapped in obstructed hair follicles in the skin. In some cases there does seem to be a genetic component. Bacteria seem to play some role which is why antibiotics may be used in treatment. However, bacteria are not the primary cause of the condition. Other factors such as obesity, smoking and stress also play a role.



Skin lumps, rashes that look like acne, small bump, or ulcers, body odour, excess sweating, itching, pimple or blackhead, pus, or swelling.


How is it diagnosed?

The diagnosis is usually made by a dermatologist. Biopsies and other tests are not required in most cases.

What other problems can occur

Pain associated with this condition can be severe and interfere with everyday activities. Secondary infections can occur which may be serious. The scarring can cause narrowing of the anus, rectum or urethra and lead to difficulty in passing stool or urine.


Does HS go away?

Hidradenitis Suppurativa is a lifelong, recurring condition that is often difficult to manage, although the symptoms may improve or eventually stop with treatment. It's important to recognize and diagnose the condition in its early stages to prevent it getting worse.

How can you get HS

HS does not spread from one person to another. HS starts in the hair follicle in the skin and happens where areas of skin may touch or rub together. Poor personal hygiene habits, such as not bathing or shampooing your hair, do not cause HS. In most cases, the cause of the disease is unknown.

What happens if HS is left untreated? 

If the inflamed lump bursts under your skin, the infection will spread to nearby sweat glands and hair follicles. Without treatment, the infection can spread to the skin itself or to your blood.

Does HS get worse with age?

HS is called a progressive disease. That means it often gets worse over time and is generally most young adulthood. HS can occur at any age, but the condition most commonly develops in young adults in their early 20s. Prevalence usually reduces after the age of 50 to 55.

Are there any complications from having hidradenitis Suppurativa?

The main complication is scarring of the skin and deeper tissues. In severe cases, this can cause swelling of the arm (if the armpit was affected) or of the leg (if the groin was affected).This means that the fluid (lymph) drainage from the limb is affected and the fluid builds up, causing the swelling. It is a difficult problem to treat and cure; often, tight elastic compression garments have to be worn long-term. Skin cancer, this is rare but has been reported in very severe long-term hidradenitis Suppurativa. A general feeling of being unwell and tired (malaise) and depression.

Can HS become cancerous?

HS may also lead to basal cell carcinoma, the most common skin cancer, SCC is a rare complication of HS, but it can spread throughout the body and can be deadly. Many case reports of SCC developing from HS lesions have been published 20 July 2022. 

These research and study are obtain and collected information from  Australia, United State and United Kingdom researchers.